We’re glad you’ve decided to consider Simply Sand Play. Scroll through our selection of subscription plans for therapists and group practices. Once you select your plan and create an account, you’ll have full access to the daily passcode which gives access to the application. Every subscription has a seven day free trial period and there’s no charge if you cancel before the trial ends. Easy self cancellation process.
Contact us if you can’t find a plan that matches your need!
After clicking on any Subscribe button you will get a popup screen that will require setting up an account with our subscription service. After creating an account you will be directed to the screen where you verify your plan and enter your credit card information.
Individual Therapist
Access to all items and drawing tools
Recurring monthly subscription
Unlimited access
Includes a free seven day trial.
No charge if cancelled before trial ends.
Unlimited sessions.
Access to all items and drawing tools
Recurring yearly subscription. $8.30/month
Unlimited access
Includes a free seven day trial.
No charge if cancelled before trial ends.
Unlimited sessions.
Group Practice/
Access to all items and drawing tools
Recurring yearly subscription
Up to 6 users per plan; each user receives own account
Provides access to Simply Sand Play.
Includes a free seven day trial.
No charge if cancelled before trial ends.
Unlimited access
More than 6 users?
Add $50/user to the yearly plan for each additional user.
Contact us for payment options.
Do not subscribe here.